
Here you will find news and insights on all aspects of sign spinning and out-of-home marketing.

Werbung Berlin

Werbung Berlin: SignSpinner machen das „Home of adidas Football“ während der EM in Berlin zum Highlight

Während der Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Berlin zog das „Home of adidas Football“ die Blicke zahlreicher Fußballfans auf sich. Dies lag nicht zuletzt an einer innovativen und aufmerksamkeitsstarken Werbekampagne: Zwei talentierte SignSpinner waren täglich acht Stunden im Einsatz, um das „Home of adidas Football“ auf beeindruckende Weise zu bewerben.

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SignSpinning as a show act at Formula E in Rome and London

Formula E is a spectacular stage for electrifying motorsport, where adrenaline, fast cars and cheering fans dominate the atmosphere. But at the recent races in Rome and London, there was an additional attraction that not only made it easier to find your way around the event site, but also provided entertainment: SignSpinning.

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Advantages of SignSpinning in retail and for openings

The opening of a new store is a critical moment that has a long-term impact on success. A well-thought-out opening campaign is therefore essential to stand out positively from the competition, make an unforgettable first impression and set the course for continued success.

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Let's create spinperiences

Whether as lively attractions at trade fairs, as part of a nationwide image campaign, to celebrate openings or as a highlight at roadshows; almost any event can be enriched by the use of promotional activities.